Support the Commission
The Commission of Inquiry for Cambodia’s ability to carry out its work and goals effectively depend on having adequate funding and staff resources. Your donations of funds and time are urgently needed and requested. Help us to shine a strong and steady spotlight to secure justice and accountability for victims and to prevent future injustices.
Save Cambodia 501(c) 3 is the official grantee for the Commission of Inquiry for Cambodia
Our Supporters
The Commission of Inquiry for Cambodia is a product of the work and aspiration of the people and is heavily supported through their involvement and participation. For the list of individual donors, please visit our GoFundMe.
The primary supporting organizations are:
Cambodian American for Human Rights and Democracy
Cambodian Association of Illinois
Cambodian Australian Federation
Khmer Post USA
Me Boun Foundation
Save Cambodia (aegis)
Sons and Daughters Khmer
Watt Phnom Serei Cambodian Temple, Ayer, Massachusetts, USA