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Community-Based Grassroots Monitoring
Significant reform measures were set out in the United Nations’ “Action Plan of Reform Measures.” These reform measures need to be implemented well before the scheduled July 2023 election in order for the results of the elections to be accepted and recognized as valid and legitimate by the international community. As a result, a community-based monitoring effort was initiated.
The Grassroots Monitoring group consists of international and in-country monitors. This monitoring effort was created to assist the work of the Commission and designed to assess whether and to what extent the Hun Sen government has been willing and able to put the UN reform measures in place. Though the July 2023 national election ended, the grassroots monitoring effort remained and expanded to address ongoing monitoring needs because the progress of the reform measures is still essential.
Please visit the Save Cambodia for more information.
A message and a letter-writing model for the Khmer community to send to Hun Sen government officials in support of the prisoners of conscience. In the letter, is a petition to the Hun Sen government to end arbitrary criminal prosecutions, release prisoners of conscience and reopen free and unfettered operation of political parties. Details of the recent UN report on "The State of Press Freedom in Cambodia" and how the restriction of media and Hun Sen's misuse of the courts strengthen impunity and an unjust electoral process.